
Characteristics of Ready Mix Concrete Plant

May 14, 2021

UNIQUE Group-Batching plant|Concrete Batching Plant|Concrete Mixing Plant

1. Concrete mixing plant equipment highly automatically and continue to intelligent develop.

Concrete mixing plant with high automation degree, strong production capacity, high weighing accuracy, good mixing quality, to achieve multi-position number, multi-mix ratio, long uninterrupted continuous production.


2. Specialization and standardization of supply management and ready-mixed concrete production in concrete mixing plant.

Ready-mixed concrete production from raw materials, testing, production, scheduling, quality control, transportation and other sectors have been established for each sound management and quality control system, especially the implementation of the relevant provisions more stringent in terms of standardized management, measurement management, process control, quality inspection, etc. to ensure the quality of ready-mixed concrete.


3. High stability and reliability of product quality of ready-mixed concrete.

Enterprises through certification, personnel qualification through strict control of raw materials, advanced equipment and production technology, complete quality management system, the ready-mix concrete product quality stability and reliability reached a very high level.

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