
Double 2HZS90 concrete mixing installation finished

August 12, 2022

At 10th August, 2022, we finished the installation of one set 2HZS90 concrete mixing plant.

The plant consist of two set HZS90 concrete mixing plant together, per set can produce 90cbm concrete per hour, two plant together can enlarge the productivity but with less land scale required.

UNIQUE Group-Batching plant|Concrete Batching Plant|Concrete Mixing Plant UNIQUE Group-Batching plant|Concrete Batching Plant|Concrete Mixing Plant

The specification of the HZS90 concrete mixing plant as follows:

Model:HZS90 concrete mixing plant

Rated capacity:90cbm/hr, discharge height 4.0m

Mixer:1.5cbm twin shaft concrete mixer

Aggregate batcher:4 hopper for 4 kinds aggregate, 15cbm per hopper

Weighting system:Cement, water and additive, 1unit each 

Cement silo:3*100ton or up to requirement.


If you have the project require concrete mixer or concrete mixing plant, welcome to inquiry us!

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